Welcome to the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary local area survey, please proceed by clicking the button below
How did you come to do the survey/hear about it?
Other, please detail below:
Please ensure that you have answered this question
1. What is GOOD about the local area where you live?
2a. What are the issues affecting you in your community which would benefit from joint working between police, partners and community members to resolve? (Tick top 5 that apply)
Please select a minimum of 0, and a maximum of 5.
2b. Are there any OTHER issues affecting you in your community which would benefit from joint working not listed above?
2c. What would you say is the TOP issue that is affecting you the most here? (If none leave blank)
3. To what extent do you agree that your local police...
Would you be comfortable answering how confident you feel in your local police?
Overall, how good a job do you think the police IN YOUR AREA are doing?
Do you require an additional language translation?
Are you the owner or responsible for CCTV (inc. Doorbell cameras) at this location (Saying yes will mean we will add you to our CCTV database and may ask you if you have footage of incidents, you can come out of this group at any time and saying yes does not mean that you have to provide requested footage or that you need to maintain the equipment)
What is your age?
What is your gender?